The church in the heart of the city with the people of the city in its heart.
We Are Purpose Driven
Calling our Church “Purpose Driven” does not mean that we do not recognize that it would be equally valid to call ourselves “Gospel Driven”, “Spirit Driven”, “Christ Driven” or a number of other similar statements.
Some have been critical of the purpose driven model and seek to find fault with it. But this is usually because they have misunderstood or taken out of context the principles on which it is founded.
Being purpose driven simply put is being committed to developing the Four Biblical Purposes for which every New Testament church should exist, both in the lives of all our people and in the life of the church corporately.
As authentic Christians, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the four purposes that guide our lives and church are Prayer, Evangelism, Ministry, and Fellowship.
We believe that as we live our lives on purpose for God, keeping these four purposes in balance, we will build both healthy, mature Christians and a healthy, Christ exalting Church that glorifies God and faithfully proclaims His Gospel to all.
Our Vision
To be a church for the 21st century which impacts our community for Jesus Christ by reaching out to the hundreds of thousands of un-churched residents of north Jersey through relevant, high-quality, and contemporary ministries that apply the unchanging truth of God’s Word to the changing culture.
To be a church where fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ are developed through a comprehensive discipleship strategy, whose transformed lifestyles genuinely reflects Biblical priorities, and who find their place of spiritual ministry in the church and life mission in the world.
To be a church where all people are welcomed and accepted, where the unity of the Spirit overcomes cultural, generational, racial and ethnic divisions as a testimony to the love of God, and where the hurting, hopeless, discouraged, depressed, frustrated and confused can find love, acceptance, guidance and encouragement.
Our Goal and Purpose
Our goal is to inspire more people to behave like our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Prayer: To recognize God's presence and guidance in every circumstance and to align our lives with God's agenda.
Evangelism: To share the gospel, thus glorifying God by proclaiming the truth despite rejection, opposition, and even persecution.
Ministry: To serve God and others in the name of Jesus and through the power if the Holy Spirit; Meeting people's needs with love and humility.
Fellowship: To incorporate Christ's family into the fellowship of the local church through membership.